Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Daily Horoscope. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Daily Horoscope. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Πέμπτη 30 Αυγούστου 2018

Daily Horoscope - Today's 30- 8 -2018 dy astrologer Alinda Kanaki !



Professional issues: Your emotional state today is such that it creates you insecurity and phobias. You tend to stay for a while alone, think, dream maybe, but away from the world, which today frightens you the most.

Sentimental affairs: Your family environment or some woman helps you overcome some problems that have arisen and get rid of obligations or burdens. Do not delve into your subconscious and breathe guilt and passions. Let your intuition lead you in the right path.
There is favor in:Imagination, inspiration, home life , Legacies, loans, financial issues .

Difficulties in:Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives , Long trips, higher education, judicial matters .

Lucky numbers : 27, 18, 9, 5, 22.


Professional issues: The detailed examination of business affairs is favored today. By communicating, exchanging messages, phone calls, mails, you can deal with current affairs, but do not be seduced into lots of detail and so, watching the tree, you lose the forest.

Sentimental affairs: A nostalgic mood pushes you today to communicate with people that you have common beliefs and aspirations. You may be willing to offer your help to some such people. But surely there will be a message or a phone call from such a place, or someone you have forgotten about.
There is favor in:Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives , Partnerships, marriage issues .

Difficulties in:Material security and material goods , Legacies, loans, financial issues .

Lucky numbers : 28, 19, 10, 1, 4, 24.


Professional issues: You may feel that you are professionally controlled by everyone, collaborators or supervisors, that everyone judges you, but the ways help you in any of your contacts today. Very likely a professional meal or dinner, especially with older people.

Sentimental affairs: Your day will probably be beautiful. They all help. An exiting in a beautiful place with your beloved person would be great, but even if you stay at home, you will decorate it, and it will be very pleasant. But beware of your mood. It can suddenly change and bring it up and down.
There is favor in:Material security and material goods , Work and health .

Difficulties in:Personality, personal glow , Partnerships, marriage issues .

Lucky numbers : 29, 20, 11, 2, 7, 22.


Professional issues: If you have affairs related to abroad, or to remote locations, today you will probably be dealing with them. The day is dedicated to long distances, where your intuition pushes you and some inner momentum.

Sentimental affairs: Today, everything will take you to friendly meetings, with more people or alone with your loved one and it can really be a special day, as there are warm feelings, determination, but be careful of your behavior. If you create a coffin, it will be due to you alone.
There is favor in:Personality, personal glow , Fun, creation, love, children, luck .

Difficulties in:Background, hidden hypotheses , Work and health .

Lucky numbers : 30, 21, 12, 3, 4, 26.


Professional issues: It's not the best day today. Poor psychological condition, some facts aggravate the situation or seems to worsen it. Tip of the day: Cool, as long as possible. Without exaggerating things, try to overcome what is presented.

Sentimental affairs: It is good to avoid being affected by people with a dark past. Bright inscriptions, dark business. Close your ears today to whatever evil demons come from third parties in your life.
There is favor in:Background, hidden hypotheses , Imagination, inspiration, home life .

Difficulties in:Friends and social groups , Fun, creation, love, children, luck .

Lucky numbers : 31, 22, 13, 4, 9.


Professional issues: If today you feel the desire to deal with something innovative and extreme, something unusual or eccentric, do not be surprised. Since you have no appetite to deal with current and everyday, let the day get a distinctive color. Tomorrow again at yours.

Sentimental affairs: Your feelings are strange today, with extreme wishes perhaps, with a tendency for anything unconventional, but suddenly changing. A lot unexpected things may happen to you, perhaps pleasantly, but they will end as they began. Suddenly.
There is favor in:Friends and social groups , Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives .

Difficulties in:Career, social recognition , Imagination, inspiration, home life .

Lucky numbers : 32, 23, 14, 5, 4, 28.


Professional issues: Your bad psychological condition, the feeling of isolation, some emotional coldness, it's not the best to make the day in your workplace. You can take care of everything that requires patience and perseverance by yourself and leave business meetings for another day.

Sentimental affairs: A difficulty in communication, your poor psychological mood, creates problems in all areas and especially in the sentimental sector. Be patient, avoid communications, so as not to disturb any relationship.
There is favor in:Career, social recognition , Material security and material goods .

Difficulties in:Long trips, higher education, judicial matters , Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives .

Lucky numbers : 33, 24, 15, 6, 11, 22.


Professional issues: Your weapons today are self-confidence but also some luck. So you can handle both your professional, as well as your social issues. Possible professional excursion, dinner with partners, etc.

Sentimental affairs: Today you will forget about darkness and problems and you will drop it for a while outside. And I mean it "out" because you are willing to have fun, enjoy, flirt, and even . . bet. Not strange to have news from a person away, or to receive a pleasant invitation.
There is favor in:Long trips, higher education, judicial matters , Personality, personal glow .

Difficulties in:Legacies, loans, financial issues , Material security and material goods .

Lucky numbers : 34, 25, 16, 7, 4, 30.


Professional issues: Do not leave your bad mental state today, to stop your professional occupations and to keep you at home. Try to be as realistic as you can.

Sentimental affairs: Now watch out, because the risk of beeing meticulous, indiscriminate, jealous, etc. lurks and definitely does not improve your relationship. If you have to do some work, prefer it from the meeting with the person you are interesting in.
There is favor in:Legacies, loans, financial issues , Background, hidden hypotheses .

Difficulties in:Partnerships, marriage issues , Personality, personal glow .

Lucky numbers : 35, 26, 17, 8, 13, 22.


Professional issues: Plan as much as you can with your consumer designs, so as not to exceed your consumption limit. You show a tendency to waste, both in things of beauty, as well as drinks, sweets, etc.

Sentimental affairs: Your pleasant mood today, pulls you to some enjoyable exit, possibly dinner, where you will spend nice, though you will be ambivalent until you make the decision. No need for hesitation. It is just an exit.
There is favor in:Partnerships, marriage issues , Friends and social groups .

Difficulties in:Work and health , Background, hidden hypotheses .

Lucky numbers : 27, 18, 9, 5, 22.


Professional issues: If you wanted to have professional communication with your partners or public, is now the beter opportunity. So, send messages, contact etc. Communication with women is particularly favored.

Sentimental affairs: If today you communicate with your loved one, do not solve anything in detail, so much to annoy him. If you think he is somewhat reluctant, think he may have a little health problem that he does not want to reveal to you.
There is favor in:Work and health , Career, social recognition .

Difficulties in:Fun, creation, love, children, luck , Friends and social groups .

Lucky numbers : 28, 19, 10, 1, 6, 22.


Professional issues: Possible events or situations related to people you like, will force you to better see some of your business issues, which are now undergoing problems, with a long-term favorable development.

Sentimental affairs: If you want to schedule a meeting with your loved one, today is one of the good days. The harmony of your feelings can drive out every cloud that will appear.
There is favor in:Fun, creation, love, children, luck , Long trips, higher education, judicial matters .

Difficulties in:Imagination, inspiration, home life , Career, social recognition .

Lucky numbers : 29, 20, 11, 2, 5, 24.

Παρασκευή 25 Μαΐου 2018

Daily Horoscope - Today's 26- 5 -2018 dy astrologer Alinda Kanaki !



Professional issues: All well, all flourishing! Feelings of optimism fill with warmth your business environment and create a pleasant atmosphere. Meetings are favored, perhaps contracts, although you have to pay a little attention because they do not all have pure intentions like you.

Sentimental affairs: Your cheerful and loving mood leads you to the desire to buy beautiful things, but schedule your purchases a bit, to avoid wasting. Apart from shopping therapy, there are also romantic strolls, a boating and even . . more cheap.
There is favor in:Career, social recognition , Material security and material goods .
Difficulties in:Long trips, higher education, judicial matters , Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives .
Lucky numbers : 31, 22, 13, 4, 7, 24.


Professional issues: If you see yourself today very irritable, if all is your fault, calm down. It is a day that will pass. Do not challenge and avoid conversations and meetings. Push your energy, working alone with some work or whatever requires physical strength. Do a little excercise.

Sentimental affairs: If money and love go together, now you would like to win both money and the heart and body of your beloved. But watch your behavior, not to challenge with your instinctive desires.
There is favor in:Long trips, higher education, judicial matters , Personality, personal glow .
Difficulties in:Legacies, loans, financial issues , Material security and material goods .
Lucky numbers : 32, 23, 14, 5, 6, 26.


Professional issues: In your everyday issues, you seem to show more sensitivity and you are most likely to be seduced into illusions or try others to trick you. Be careful at all times.

Sentimental affairs: A romantic mood today is pervasive to you. You see things dreamlike, with a special sensitivity. Be careful, if others take advantage of your delicate mood. If you can stay alone would be better, or seek to be with people of your absolute trust.
There is favor in:Legacies, loans, financial issues , Background, hidden hypotheses .
Difficulties in:Partnerships, marriage issues , Personality, personal glow .
Lucky numbers : 33, 24, 15, 6, 9.


Professional issues: The spirit of freedom and disobedience that holds you, leads you to acts that you will soon regret. It is good to put some brake today, because if these are related to your professional career, can have serious consequences.

Sentimental affairs: Strange things happen today to you. You want to make pionnering things without having the will to finish them, in your meetings you may look allegorical and inconsistent. Pay attention and let the day pass.
There is favor in:Partnerships, marriage issues , Friends and social groups .
Difficulties in:Work and health , Background, hidden hypotheses .
Lucky numbers : 34, 25, 16, 7, 6, 28.


Professional issues: Your practicality and steady attitude, helps your business issues, where you need to make decisions or give the necessary advice and instructions to third parties. Your financial status is prevalent.

Sentimental affairs: A severity, maybe coolness can now be seen in your relationship, but it will be so passive that you may not understand it. Nevertheless, today do not insist on a meeting if there is none desire on the other side.
There is favor in:Work and health , Career, social recognition .
Difficulties in:Fun, creation, love, children, luck , Friends and social groups .
Lucky numbers : 35, 26, 17, 8, 11, 24.


Professional issues: In your professional affairs, it is a good idea to observe the reactions of others to any of your actions and to realize your mistakes, avoiding excessive openings or events.

Sentimental affairs: Your relationship with your beloved person is now going through its best stage. Your feelings are clear and they find a response on the other hand there seems to be a sincere and mutually beneficial mood. So what are you sitting on?
There is favor in:Fun, creation, love, children, luck , Long trips, higher education, judicial matters .
Difficulties in:Imagination, inspiration, home life , Career, social recognition .
Lucky numbers : 36, 27, 18, 9, 6, 30.


Professional issues: The sensitivity you show today in the issues of the day, which are of direct concern of you, are such that some may try to exploit it to deceive you. Keep your self-control and try to control how your feelings are. Focus on your job and leave it hard for tomorrow.

Sentimental affairs: Instead of feeling hostile to others' feelings or seeing yourself everywhere enemies, share the problem of someone else. By showing your philanthropic feelings and through offering, you have forgotten your own troubles. You will be left alone anyway, to put into order everything that confuses you.
There is favor in:Imagination, inspiration, home life , Legacies, loans, financial issues .
Difficulties in:Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives , Long trips, higher education, judicial matters .
Lucky numbers : 37, 28, 19, 10, 1, 13, 24.


Professional issues: If some of your business events include some pleasant meetings, meals, gifts, exchanges, etc. these can be programmed for today. Especially in partnerships with women.

Sentimental affairs: Having always at he back of your mind the thought of your emotional instability and the sudden change in your feelings, but you can, if you try it, have a pleasant companion today, where your own friendly mood will find a response from friendly people but also your partner.
There is favor in:Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives , Partnerships, marriage issues .
Difficulties in:Material security and material goods , Legacies, loans, financial issues .
Lucky numbers : 38, 29, 20, 11, 2, 6, 32.


Professional issues: Some pleasant or unpleasant response to a professional case, which you are expecting it, you are likely to receive it today. You may now have visits to your business premises, or receive an invitation to come to such a meeting.

Sentimental affairs: Today is a good day to talk and clarify which ones misunderstandings may exist between you and your partner. There will be recognition and acceptance by him. Indeed, if this happens within an exit, it would be better.
There is favor in:Material security and material goods , Work and health .
Difficulties in:Personality, personal glow , Partnerships, marriage issues .
Lucky numbers : 39, 30, 21, 12, 3, 15, 24.


Professional issues: Live today! With such a mood getting started, everything seems to be better. In your workplace you will deal with pleasant things, perhaps organizing an event, an anniversary, an event that has to do with many people.

Sentimental affairs: With particular sensitivity to the problems of others and in harmony with your feelings, you can now find yourself close to your partner, where you can understand his true feelings and to overcome, if any, some communication problems, or you can find yourself in a friendly circle where you will spend wonderful time.
There is favor in:Personality, personal glow , Fun, creation, love, children, luck .
Difficulties in:Background, hidden hypotheses , Work and health .
Lucky numbers : 31, 22, 13, 4, 7, 24.


Professional issues: What are you doing! Do not put black out of your heart! These are my thinking about your psychological situation. It is like the blackness of the sky before the rainbow comes out. Pay attention and the storm will pass very quickly.

Sentimental affairs: With your powerful instinct as driver and the excellent ability to discern the truth, redefine your attitude to many subjects and, of course, to your feelings. You may wake up memories of the past to feel attracted to old stories, but everything helps you in mature thoughts.
There is favor in:Background, hidden hypotheses , Imagination, inspiration, home life .
Difficulties in:Friends and social groups , Fun, creation, love, children, luck .
Lucky numbers : 32, 23, 14, 5, 8, 24.


Professional issues: The willingness to cooperate, professional intuition, the mind that takes a thousand turns, are elements that make the day appropriate for checking any business aggreement or contract you have in the making. Do not let the day go waste.

Sentimental affairs: Definitely today you will be communicating with your partner and you can accept a proposal to exit. An opportunity to take advantage of it. What some third parties tell you about your loved one, you have to have reservations.
There is favor in:Friends and social groups , Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives .
Difficulties in:Career, social recognition , Imagination, inspiration, home life .
Lucky numbers : 33, 24, 15, 6, 7, 26.

Πέμπτη 19 Απριλίου 2018

Daily Horoscope - Today's 19-4-2018 dy astrologer Alinda Kanaki !



Professional issues: Your business seems to have a calm, with some money coming and some successes stemming from your own personal radiation.

Sentimental affairs: The warmth and sensitivity you show to your beloved pesron today, favors love relationships. A cheerfulness, sociability, a sweetness of ways brings you closer. You can go out or even prefer the warmth of a beautifully decorated home.
There is favor in:Work and health , Career, social recognition .
Difficulties in:Fun, creation, love, children, luck , Friends and social groups .
Lucky numbers : 30, 21, 12, 3, 18.


Professional issues: Avoid debates on critical issues, as you are quite irritable and can not control your reactions. Today you can not clear confused situations.

Sentimental affairs: Do not miss your self-control today, towards the person you love. Your moody mood makes you muggy, gnarly and you can misinterpret everything, easily reaching the wandering.
There is favor in:Fun, creation, love, children, luck , Long trips, higher education, judicial matters .
Difficulties in:Imagination, inspiration, home life , Career, social recognition .
Lucky numbers : 31, 22, 13, 4, 11, 20.


Professional issues: Today you will be involved in background affairs. You have the tendency to explore hidden aspects, to discover some hidden enemies or backstage moves. Do not take the bottom of the day. Some of them can only exist in the realm of your imagination.

Sentimental affairs: Today your psychic world will be tempted by a storm, since you feel they do not love you as much as you can, or not at all, you will chase memories and you will probably find fantastic enemies, so your are hurt and close yourelf. Calm down a bit.
There is favor in:Imagination, inspiration, home life , Legacies, loans, financial issues .
Difficulties in:Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives , Long trips, higher education, judicial matters .
Lucky numbers : 32, 23, 14, 5, 18.


Professional issues: Today the day pushes you to make openings, talk to friends or people of the same circle, to give out details or drawings. In these openings you can receive help from nowhere.

Sentimental affairs: The key to today is reconciliation. If there was a problem in your relationship, today can be overcome through mutual understanding and your reconciliation. Very likely to help some friends, or it can be done within a broader circle of friends.
There is favor in:Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives , Partnerships, marriage issues .
Difficulties in:Material security and material goods , Legacies, loans, financial issues .
Lucky numbers : 33, 24, 15, 6, 11, 22.


Professional issues: The next three days, your business will bee at the zenith. It is the day you have to show seriousness, to watch your behavior, which should be the same to whom you deal with, so do not be misunderstood. Everyone sees and judges you.

Sentimental affairs: Without being one of the best days for you today, you can have a meeting with your familiars, who can recognize any good effort you make. So if you organize a dinner, some reception, they will appreciate your organization and cooking. In this light you can also see your personal life.
There is favor in:Material security and material goods , Work and health .
Difficulties in:Personality, personal glow , Partnerships, marriage issues .
Lucky numbers : 34, 25, 16, 7, 18.


Professional issues: The night (today) with the day (today) looks like your pleasant mood that gives you wings. Your desire to talk to people, to deal with assumptions, some economic, some related to education, or traveling, does not hold you anything today. Good luck!

Sentimental affairs: Your pleasant and generous mood today greatly helps your relationships in general and those of the opposite sex. It is appropriate either for clarification of misunderstandings, or for a social one event or just for an exit.
There is favor in:Personality, personal glow , Fun, creation, love, children, luck .
Difficulties in:Background, hidden hypotheses , Work and health .
Lucky numbers : 35, 26, 17, 8, 11, 24.


Professional issues: Today you may be dealing with economic issues as far as they are concerned with insurance, inheritance etc. I would not say it is the most pleasant day, but your engagement with some old, secret or background issues gives an interesting mark.

Sentimental affairs: You will see today impulses coming in from you, which may be love instincts or a willingness to test your relationship. Go into the process, just rely on your intuition, it may be a new beginning, but the day will not go unnoticed.
There is favor in:Background, hidden hypotheses , Imagination, inspiration, home life .
Difficulties in:Friends and social groups , Fun, creation, love, children, luck .
Lucky numbers : 36, 27, 18, 9.


Professional issues: The most important thing today is that you can diagnose the true feelings of others towards you and have the appropriate behavior. From you there is a sincere mood, but it has to be resonant to others. With honest ones, you can have very good co-operations.

Sentimental affairs: Love and money are not hidden. Even if you wanted to hide your love today, you could not, but others who approach you, have the same feelings, so I think you will have many nice moments with you partner.
There is favor in:Friends and social groups , Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives .
Difficulties in:Career, social recognition , Imagination, inspiration, home life .
Lucky numbers : 37, 28, 19, 10, 1, 11, 26.


Professional issues: Everyday issues, accounts, obligations, will concern you today. Runing, queues, lots of communications, phone calls, messages, correspondence will make you pretty tired, but everything is in the program.

Sentimental affairs: As the day is one of the day-to-day runs, do not wait and much more do not plan anything covering your sentimental sector. Make a phone call, a message and nothing more. You will not overcome it, but it is a day and it will pass.
There is favor in:Career, social recognition , Material security and material goods .
Difficulties in:Long trips, higher education, judicial matters , Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives .
Lucky numbers : 38, 29, 20, 11, 2, 18.


Professional issues: Today you can draw or deal with professional plans, which will occupy you within a month. You have the required clarity of thought, determination, etc. Throw away your anxiety.

Sentimental affairs: Today you have the mood to flirt, do something that pleases you, have fun. You do not care about the others. You want the joy for you. That's what you want, that's what you do. Flirt, then, enjoy, have fun! Are not you worth it?
There is favor in:Long trips, higher education, judicial matters , Personality, personal glow .
Difficulties in:Legacies, loans, financial issues , Material security and material goods .
Lucky numbers : 30, 21, 12, 3, 18.


Professional issues: Your intense emotion and the shift towards home and family, are the characteristics that affect you generally today and of course your professional ones. Avoid any inconvenience both at home and at work.

Sentimental affairs: Today you will feel more secure in your own space, at home. For women some sickness is possible, so it is better to avoid any exit. At home you will get better.
There is favor in:Legacies, loans, financial issues , Background, hidden hypotheses .
Difficulties in:Partnerships, marriage issues , Personality, personal glow .
Lucky numbers : 31, 22, 13, 4, 18.


Professional issues: Although there will be great mobility, mainly communicative, in your professional, avoid important decisions, as nothing indicates stability in their observance.

Sentimental affairs: Your hypersensitivity today, combined with the need for communication, will surely lead you to a meeting, or the phone will get fire if you can not meet. Walks or exits in cottages are favored.
There is favor in:Partnerships, marriage issues , Friends and social groups .
Difficulties in:Work and health , Background, hidden hypotheses .
Lucky numbers : 32, 23, 14, 5, 12, 20.

bay Astrologer Alinda kanaki

Δευτέρα 16 Απριλίου 2018

Daily Horoscope - Today's 17-4-2018 dy astrologer Alinda Kanaki !



Professional issues: Avoid debates on critical issues, as you are quite irritable and can not control your reactions. Today you can not clear confused situations.

Sentimental affairs: Do not miss your self-control today, towards the person you love. Your moody mood makes you muggy, gnarly and you can misinterpret everything, easily reaching the wandering.
There is favor in:Fun, creation, love, children, luck , Long trips, higher education, judicial matters .
Difficulties in:Imagination, inspiration, home life , Career, social recognition .
Lucky numbers : 26, 17, 8, 10, 16.


Professional issues: Today you will be involved in background affairs. You have the tendency to explore hidden aspects, to discover some hidden enemies or backstage moves. Do not take the bottom of the day. Some of them can only exist in the realm of your imagination.

Sentimental affairs: Today your psychic world will be tempted by a storm, since you feel they do not love you as much as you can, or not at all, you will chase memories and you will probably find fantastic enemies, so your are hurt and close yourelf. Calm down a bit.
There is favor in:Imagination, inspiration, home life , Legacies, loans, financial issues .
Difficulties in:Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives , Long trips, higher education, judicial matters .
Lucky numbers : 27, 18, 9.


Professional issues: Today the day pushes you to make openings, talk to friends or people of the same circle, to give out details or drawings. In these openings you can receive help from nowhere.

Sentimental affairs: The key to today is reconciliation. If there was a problem in your relationship, today can be overcome through mutual understanding and your reconciliation. Very likely to help some friends, or it can be done within a broader circle of friends.
There is favor in:Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives , Partnerships, marriage issues .
Difficulties in:Material security and material goods , Legacies, loans, financial issues .
Lucky numbers : 28, 19, 10, 1, 12, 16.


Professional issues: The next three days, your business will bee at the zenith. It is the day you have to show seriousness, to watch your behavior, which should be the same to whom you deal with, so do not be misunderstood. Everyone sees and judges you.

Sentimental affairs: Without being one of the best days for you today, you can have a meeting with your familiars, who can recognize any good effort you make. So if you organize a dinner, some reception, they will appreciate your organization and cooking. In this light you can also see your personal life.
There is favor in:Material security and material goods , Work and health .
Difficulties in:Personality, personal glow , Partnerships, marriage issues .
Lucky numbers : 29, 20, 11, 2, 9.


Professional issues: The night (today) with the day (today) looks like your pleasant mood that gives you wings. Your desire to talk to people, to deal with assumptions, some economic, some related to education, or traveling, does not hold you anything today. Good luck!

Sentimental affairs: Your pleasant and generous mood today greatly helps your relationships in general and those of the opposite sex. It is appropriate either for clarification of misunderstandings, or for a social one event or just for an exit.
There is favor in:Personality, personal glow , Fun, creation, love, children, luck .
Difficulties in:Background, hidden hypotheses , Work and health .
Lucky numbers : 30, 21, 12, 3, 14, 16.


Professional issues: Today you may be dealing with economic issues as far as they are concerned with insurance, inheritance etc. I would not say it is the most pleasant day, but your engagement with some old, secret or background issues gives an interesting mark.

Sentimental affairs: You will see today impulses coming in from you, which may be love instincts or a willingness to test your relationship. Go into the process, just rely on your intuition, it may be a new beginning, but the day will not go unnoticed.
There is favor in:Background, hidden hypotheses , Imagination, inspiration, home life .
Difficulties in:Friends and social groups , Fun, creation, love, children, luck .
Lucky numbers : 31, 22, 13, 4, 9.


Professional issues: The most important thing today is that you can diagnose the true feelings of others towards you and have the appropriate behavior. From you there is a sincere mood, but it has to be resonant to others. With honest ones, you can have very good co-operations.

Sentimental affairs: Love and money are not hidden. Even if you wanted to hide your love today, you could not, but others who approach you, have the same feelings, so I think you will have many nice moments with you partner.
There is favor in:Friends and social groups , Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives .
Difficulties in:Career, social recognition , Imagination, inspiration, home life .
Lucky numbers : 32, 23, 14, 5, 16.


Professional issues: Everyday issues, accounts, obligations, will concern you today. Runing, queues, lots of communications, phone calls, messages, correspondence will make you pretty tired, but everything is in the program.

Sentimental affairs: As the day is one of the day-to-day runs, do not wait and much more do not plan anything covering your sentimental sector. Make a phone call, a message and nothing more. You will not overcome it, but it is a day and it will pass.
There is favor in:Career, social recognition , Material security and material goods .
Difficulties in:Long trips, higher education, judicial matters , Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives .
Lucky numbers : 33, 24, 15, 6, 9.


Professional issues: Today you can draw or deal with professional plans, which will occupy you within a month. You have the required clarity of thought, determination, etc. Throw away your anxiety.

Sentimental affairs: Today you have the mood to flirt, do something that pleases you, have fun. You do not care about the others. You want the joy for you. That's what you want, that's what you do. Flirt, then, enjoy, have fun! Are not you worth it?
There is favor in:Long trips, higher education, judicial matters , Personality, personal glow .
Difficulties in:Legacies, loans, financial issues , Material security and material goods .
Lucky numbers : 34, 25, 16, 7, 18.


Professional issues: Your intense emotion and the shift towards home and family, are the characteristics that affect you generally today and of course your professional ones. Avoid any inconvenience both at home and at work.

Sentimental affairs: Today you will feel more secure in your own space, at home. For women some sickness is possible, so it is better to avoid any exit. At home you will get better.
There is favor in:Legacies, loans, financial issues , Background, hidden hypotheses .
Difficulties in:Partnerships, marriage issues , Personality, personal glow .
Lucky numbers : 26, 17, 8, 10, 16.


Professional issues: Although there will be great mobility, mainly communicative, in your professional, avoid important decisions, as nothing indicates stability in their observance.

Sentimental affairs: Your hypersensitivity today, combined with the need for communication, will surely lead you to a meeting, or the phone will get fire if you can not meet. Walks or exits in cottages are favored.
There is favor in:Partnerships, marriage issues , Friends and social groups .
Difficulties in:Work and health , Background, hidden hypotheses .
Lucky numbers : 27, 18, 9, 11, 16.


Professional issues: Your business seems to have a calm, with some money coming and some successes stemming from your own personal radiation.

Sentimental affairs: The warmth and sensitivity you show to your beloved pesron today, favors love relationships. A cheerfulness, sociability, a sweetness of ways brings you closer. You can go out or even prefer the warmth of a beautifully decorated home.
There is favor in:Work and health , Career, social recognition .
Difficulties in:Fun, creation, love, children, luck , Friends and social groups .
Lucky numbers : 28, 19, 10, 1, 18.

By astrologer Alinda Kanaki

Σάββατο 3 Μαρτίου 2018

Daily Horoscope - Today's 3-3 -2018 dy astrologer Alinda Kanaki !



Professional issues: If you see yourself today very irritable, if all is your fault, calm down. It is a day that will pass. Do not challenge and avoid conversations and meetings. Push your energy, working alone with some work or whatever requires physical strength. Do a little excercise.

Sentimental affairs: If money and love go together, now you would like to win both money and the heart and body of your beloved. But watch your behavior, not to challenge with your instinctive desires.
There is favor in:Long trips, higher education, judicial matters , Personality, personal glow .
Difficulties in:Legacies, loans, financial issues , Material security and material goods .
Lucky numbers : 24, 15, 6, 8, 16.


Professional issues: In your everyday issues, you seem to show more sensitivity and you are most likely to be seduced into illusions or try others to trick you. Be careful at all times.

Sentimental affairs: A romantic mood today is pervasive to you. You see things dreamlike, with a special sensitivity. Be careful, if others take advantage of your delicate mood. If you can stay alone would be better, or seek to be with people of your absolute trust.
There is favor in:Legacies, loans, financial issues , Background, hidden hypotheses .
Difficulties in:Partnerships, marriage issues , Personality, personal glow .
Lucky numbers : 25, 16, 7, 18.


Professional issues: The spirit of freedom and disobedience that holds you, leads you to acts that you will soon regret. It is good to put some brake today, because if these are related to your professional career, can have serious consequences.

Sentimental affairs: Strange things happen today to you. You want to make pionnering things without having the will to finish them, in your meetings you may look allegorical and inconsistent. Pay attention and let the day pass.
There is favor in:Partnerships, marriage issues , Friends and social groups .
Difficulties in:Work and health , Background, hidden hypotheses .
Lucky numbers : 26, 17, 8, 10, 16.


Professional issues: Your practicality and steady attitude, helps your business issues, where you need to make decisions or give the necessary advice and instructions to third parties. Your financial status is prevalent.

Sentimental affairs: A severity, maybe coolness can now be seen in your relationship, but it will be so passive that you may not understand it. Nevertheless, today do not insist on a meeting if there is none desire on the other side.
There is favor in:Work and health , Career, social recognition .
Difficulties in:Fun, creation, love, children, luck , Friends and social groups .
Lucky numbers : 27, 18, 9, 7, 20.


Professional issues: In your professional affairs, it is a good idea to observe the reactions of others to any of your actions and to realize your mistakes, avoiding excessive openings or events.

Sentimental affairs: Your relationship with your beloved person is now going through its best stage. Your feelings are clear and they find a response on the other hand there seems to be a sincere and mutually beneficial mood. So what are you sitting on?
There is favor in:Fun, creation, love, children, luck , Long trips, higher education, judicial matters .
Difficulties in:Imagination, inspiration, home life , Career, social recognition .
Lucky numbers : 28, 19, 10, 1, 12, 16.


Professional issues: The sensitivity you show today in the issues of the day, which are of direct concern of you, are such that some may try to exploit it to deceive you. Keep your self-control and try to control how your feelings are. Focus on your job and leave it hard for tomorrow.

Sentimental affairs: Instead of feeling hostile to others' feelings or seeing yourself everywhere enemies, share the problem of someone else. By showing your philanthropic feelings and through offering, you have forgotten your own troubles. You will be left alone anyway, to put into order everything that confuses you.
There is favor in:Imagination, inspiration, home life , Legacies, loans, financial issues .
Difficulties in:Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives , Long trips, higher education, judicial matters .
Lucky numbers : 29, 20, 11, 2, 7, 22.


Professional issues: If some of your business events include some pleasant meetings, meals, gifts, exchanges, etc. these can be programmed for today. Especially in partnerships with women.

Sentimental affairs: Having always at he back of your mind the thought of your emotional instability and the sudden change in your feelings, but you can, if you try it, have a pleasant companion today, where your own friendly mood will find a response from friendly people but also your partner.
There is favor in:Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives , Partnerships, marriage issues .
Difficulties in:Material security and material goods , Legacies, loans, financial issues .
Lucky numbers : 30, 21, 12, 3, 14, 16.


Professional issues: Some pleasant or unpleasant response to a professional case, which you are expecting it, you are likely to receive it today. You may now have visits to your business premises, or receive an invitation to come to such a meeting.

Sentimental affairs: Today is a good day to talk and clarify which ones misunderstandings may exist between you and your partner. There will be recognition and acceptance by him. Indeed, if this happens within an exit, it would be better.
There is favor in:Material security and material goods , Work and health .
Difficulties in:Personality, personal glow , Partnerships, marriage issues .
Lucky numbers : 31, 22, 13, 4, 7, 24.


Professional issues: Live today! With such a mood getting started, everything seems to be better. In your workplace you will deal with pleasant things, perhaps organizing an event, an anniversary, an event that has to do with many people.

Sentimental affairs: With particular sensitivity to the problems of others and in harmony with your feelings, you can now find yourself close to your partner, where you can understand his true feelings and to overcome, if any, some communication problems, or you can find yourself in a friendly circle where you will spend wonderful time.
There is favor in:Personality, personal glow , Fun, creation, love, children, luck .
Difficulties in:Background, hidden hypotheses , Work and health .
Lucky numbers : 32, 23, 14, 5, 16.


Professional issues: What are you doing! Do not put black out of your heart! These are my thinking about your psychological situation. It is like the blackness of the sky before the rainbow comes out. Pay attention and the storm will pass very quickly.

Sentimental affairs: With your powerful instinct as driver and the excellent ability to discern the truth, redefine your attitude to many subjects and, of course, to your feelings. You may wake up memories of the past to feel attracted to old stories, but everything helps you in mature thoughts.
There is favor in:Background, hidden hypotheses , Imagination, inspiration, home life .
Difficulties in:Friends and social groups , Fun, creation, love, children, luck .
Lucky numbers : 24, 15, 6, 8, 16.


Professional issues: The willingness to cooperate, professional intuition, the mind that takes a thousand turns, are elements that make the day appropriate for checking any business aggreement or contract you have in the making. Do not let the day go waste.

Sentimental affairs: Definitely today you will be communicating with your partner and you can accept a proposal to exit. An opportunity to take advantage of it. What some third parties tell you about your loved one, you have to have reservations.
There is favor in:Friends and social groups , Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives .
Difficulties in:Career, social recognition , Imagination, inspiration, home life .
Lucky numbers : 25, 16, 7, 9.


Professional issues: All well, all flourishing! Feelings of optimism fill with warmth your business environment and create a pleasant atmosphere. Meetings are favored, perhaps contracts, although you have to pay a little attention because they do not all have pure intentions like you.

Sentimental affairs: Your cheerful and loving mood leads you to the desire to buy beautiful things, but schedule your purchases a bit, to avoid wasting. Apart from shopping therapy, there are also romantic strolls, a boating and even . . more cheap.
There is favor in:Career, social recognition , Material security and material goods .
Difficulties in:Long trips, higher education, judicial matters , Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives .
Lucky numbers : 26, 17, 8, 18.

By Astrologer Alinda Kanaki 

Δευτέρα 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2018

Daily Horoscope - Today's 26-2 -2018 dy astrologer Alinda Kanaki !


Professional issues: Some strange feelings or prejudices, they do not really help your business today. Possible psychic experiences, but they should not affect you any more.

Sentimental affairs: Nowadays you probably will be planning an outlet to a theater, concert or artistic space, where you and your partner will have fun. Be careful not to get late. You see your watch.

There is favor in:Partnerships, marriage issues , Friends and social groups .

Difficulties in:Work and health , Background, hidden hypotheses .

Lucky numbers : 23, 14, 5, 3, 20.


Professional issues: Your mood to listen to the problems of others, to deal with some details, helps promote your business issues. Money that passes through your hands, is spent almost immediately.

Sentimental affairs: Today you will have a meeting or communication with your beloved person, though some obsession with you in details may irritate him or her, or a minor health problem may arise.

There is favor in:Work and health , Career, social recognition .

Difficulties in:Fun, creation, love, children, luck , Friends and social groups .

Lucky numbers : 24, 15, 6, 2, 22.


Professional issues: Some emotional charging can be turned into energy, which will give impetus to professional issues, which are facing difficulties.

Sentimental affairs: One of your best days is today, since energy and vitality work harmoniously with your feelings and reflect outward your inner harmony. So your relationship to the opposite sex is the best of all times. Now try to get close to your loved person, especially if something has been cold you before.

There is favor in:Fun, creation, love, children, luck , Long trips, higher education, judicial matters .

Difficulties in:Imagination, inspiration, home life , Career, social recognition .

Lucky numbers : 25, 16, 7, 5, 20.

Professional issues: If you could sit at home today, you would have done it pleasantly, since you feel safe there. Your emotional state is at its most sensitive point and you want to be in places where you would feel completely safe. Anything that poses a risk is repelled.

Sentimental affairs: Feelings and intuition are the key words for today. The better your emotional state, the easier it will be the day. The house pulls you in and can give you the security you are asking for, but the sure springboard, to put into their true dimensions problems that exist, or obligations that you have to bear and get rid of them.

There is favor in:Imagination, inspiration, home life , Legacies, loans, financial issues .
Difficulties in:Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives , Long trips, higher education, judicial matters .

Lucky numbers : 26, 17, 8, 2, 24.


Professional issues: Today you can communicate with many people, gather data, review details, for cases where a decision is pending. Do not take any decision today. This will happen later. Today only look at the details.

Sentimental affairs: Today what you are going to be, is to be in places where fit your own beliefs and with whom you can have excellent communication. So you can find your partner in such places, such organizations or groups, where you will have their acceptance and support if necessary.

There is favor in:Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives , Partnerships, marriage issues .

Difficulties in:Material security and material goods , Legacies, loans, financial issues .

Lucky numbers : 27, 18, 9, 7, 20.


Professional issues: Your good or bad mood affects your business issues. It seems to be somewhat cynical, with variations from good to evil, but it can stay good if you boost your financies, if you shut down an order, etc, things for which there are chances.

Sentimental affairs: Today the day is ambiguous in the sense that it can have good or bad ending. It all depends on your own mood, which seems to be cypress. So while starting from a pleasant meeting, for food or drink, perhaps for some purchase of your personal things, an unexpected conflict can arise and spoil your mood. Hold on.

There is favor in:Material security and material goods , Work and health .

Difficulties in:Personality, personal glow , Partnerships, marriage issues .

Lucky numbers : 28, 19, 10, 1, 2, 26.


Professional issues: Optimism, philosophical thoughts, a power you feel today, all favor the professional sector, not directly, but with such a mood, nothing goes wrong. Today you can be more involved with diagnoses and predictions. Recheck the shots that need determination.

Sentimental affairs: The day today may be appropriate for you to find yourself in between friends or with your beloved person, but you have to be very careful about your behavior, because the impetuosity and aggression that comes out of you can easily creates ruptures and fights.

There is favor in:Personality, personal glow , Fun, creation, love, children, luck .
Difficulties in:Background, hidden hypotheses , Work and health .

Lucky numbers : 29, 20, 11, 2, 9.


Professional issues: Your bad mood, but also some facts that are on their own or show disastrous, do not let you work positively. Catch as much as you can imagine, think simply, logically, landed, leaving the day to pass, as easily as possible.

Sentimental affairs: Do not let others sowing weeds in your emotional life. Do not trust anyone and above all do not behave self-destructive. There are many who do not want our good.

There is favor in:Background, hidden hypotheses , Imagination, inspiration, home life .
Difficulties in:Friends and social groups , Fun, creation, love, children, luck .

Lucky numbers : 30, 21, 12, 3, 2, 28.


Professional issues: Today I do not see you being able to deal with serious business issues because the rush, sportaneity, lack of mood to deal with routine issues, some alternate mood etc. they do not help in that. But surely something unusual and unexpected will mark your day.

Sentimental affairs: Your relationship or your marriage seems to be the ones that concern you most today, but it is not the day to get deeper into your feelings. The day has a lot of unpredictability. Some new acquaintance, do not expect to last.

There is favor in:Friends and social groups , Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives .

Difficulties in:Career, social recognition , Imagination, inspiration, home life .

Lucky numbers : 31, 22, 13, 4, 11, 20.


Professional issues: Today you have a feeling of loneliness, depression, pessimism. Some problems in business affairs may be due in your bad psychological condition. Show a little heart and avoid the difficult ones today. Tomorrow it will be better.

Sentimental affairs: Today you are probably in your blacks. Communication problems and tendency to lock yourself up, help neither for meetings not for communication. So in the field of emotions, do not expect anything exciting. Such days it is better just to spend and nothing more.

There is favor in:Career, social recognition , Material security and material goods .
Difficulties in:Long trips, higher education, judicial matters , Communications, nearby trips, siblings and relatives .

Lucky numbers : 23, 14, 5, 3, 20.

Professional issues: Full of energy and self-confidence, you can handle your business very well, dealing with any partner or competitor and do not suffer from any challenge.
Sentimental affairs: Today only the fun is of interest to you. The merry and generous mood, a wedding or a celebration, or maybe play some lucky game. Enjoy the day. You need it.

There is favor in:Long trips, higher education, judicial matters , Personality, personal glow .

Difficulties in:Legacies, loans, financial issues , Material security and material goods .

Lucky numbers : 24, 15, 6, 4, 20.


Professional issues: Try today to overcome some strange feelings or prejudices or obsessive ideas, which will have an effect and will create tension in your professional.

Sentimental affairs: Today your feelings are strange. It's better not to seek a meeting or exit, because it is likely to have a bad ending. It is a feeling of jealousy that comes out of you, something deeper and more uncontrollable.

There is favor in:Legacies, loans, financial issues , Background, hidden hypotheses .

Difficulties in:Partnerships, marriage issues , Personality, personal glow .

Lucky numbers : 25, 16, 7, 3, 22.

By Astrologer Alinda Kanaki